
Crafting a luxurious Debut - Pakhi's Personal Care



Pakhi's- Shaping Luxury - A Distinctive Personal Care Brand Launch

Pakhis emerged in the beauty and personal care market as a celebration of hydration and skincare, with a dedication to providing premium handwash products. Our collaboration with Pakhis focused on crafting a brand launch strategy and designing its product packaging to resonate with its target audience.


The Brand Tribe's Vision for Pakhi's Strategy

To position Pakhi's as a leading name in luxury hand care by creating a compelling brand identity and launch strategy that highlights its commitment to quality, hydration, and skincare. We aimed to establish Pakhi's as a go-to brand for discerning consumers seeking premium personal care products, ensuring its distinctive presence in a competitive market.


Establishing Pakhi's unique Brand Presence in a saturated market.


The Challenge

Launching Pakhis in the competitive beauty and personal care market, particularly in the UAE, presented several challenges. The primary task was to establish a strong brand presence and communicate Pakhis' commitment to quality, hydration, and skincare through its product packaging and launch activities. Additionally, creating engaging social media content and effective advertising campaigns were


Crafted for Excellence: Pakhi's Signature Packaging


Packaging - Social Media - Influencer Marketing - Adverstising - Digital Marketing

Product Packaging Design:

Created premium, standout packaging to emphasize Pakhis' quality and unique features.

Brand Launch Event:

Executed a captivating launch event with PR influencers to build anticipation and introduce Pakhis' innovative hand hygiene solutions.

Social Media Strategy:

Developed engaging content and visuals to connect with Pakhis' audience, fostering interaction and brand loyalty

Influencer Collaborations:

Partnered with influencers to enhance credibility and expand Pakhis' reach through authentic product endorsements.

Advertising Campaigns:

Implemented targeted ads across channels to amplify Pakhis' premium positioning and drive consumer awareness.




We devised a comprehensive strategy to position Pakhi's as a premium personal care brand specializing in hand wash products. Our approach began with meticulous market research to understand consumer preferences and competitive landscape. Leveraging these insights, we crafted a compelling brand story and identity that resonates with our target audience's desire for luxury and efficacy. The strategy encompassed a multi-channel approach, integrating a dynamic social media presence, engaging website design, and strategic influencer partnerships. Through curated content and impactful digital advertising campaigns, we aimed to build anticipation and excitement leading up to the launch.


The Grand Debut of Pakhi's Hand Care Solutions





Our collaboration with Pakhis resulted in a successful brand launch, establishing it as a premium handwash in the competitive market and establishing of Pakhis' distinct social media brand identity and a strong presence across platforms. Through engaging social media strategies, influencer partnerships, and targeted advertising, Pakhis gained traction, driving brand loyalty and consumer interest, while establishing a distinctive social media presence.

If you're looking to launch a new brand or need standout packaging and social media marketing, contact The Brand Tribe. As the best social media marketing agency in Dubai, we specialize in elevating your brand's presence. Let us help you make a lasting impression.
